Joy Comes in the Morning

In February 2019, I remember coming home to a big surprise. Amy gave me a gift, and at the time I thought it was random. When I opened it, I could not believe what I saw. I opened the gift to find baby shoes. I was excited to see the news that we were pregnant. The baby shoes were in my hands, and I just sat there in awe. All I could think about was that this was a dream come true. As a teenager, I had always hoped I would become a father. Through all my struggles I fought and fought because I knew that I would be a father one day, and I wanted to give my wife and children the best life possible. Finally, the moment had arrived. As I sat there starring at the baby shoes, I was overwhelmed with emotion on the inside, and I wanted to cry for joy. I remember going to the doctor’s appointment and confirming the pregnancy. It became more real as the doctor congratulated us. My teenage hopes were manifesting.

Over the next couple of weeks, Amy had mentioned she had not felt any of the early pregnancy sickness others spoke about. I thought it was good she didn’t have to go through that. However, as the days went by, Amy felt something was not right. On March 13, 2019, Amy had a miscarriage. That was one of the most difficult things to see her go through. I was devastated and still in disbelief. It was one thing for me to feel this way, but it was another thing to have to actually go through the miscarriage. We have heard of this happening to other people, and one would never think it could happen to them. We kept quiet about the event. When events such as this one happen, fear grips you and makes you wonder if it will occur again.

Although we were devastated, Amy and I felt that we were ready to become parents, so we were making some changes and preparation. Buying a house was just a thought at the moment, but we were researching our options. Amy had just started working from home with VIP Kid, and I was still at the Path Project learning the ropes. We prayed and hoped our next pregnancy would gift us with a little life. Several months later, on Amy’s birthday, July 2nd, she took a pregnancy test, and the results were in. We were pregnant and excited about the news. However, I feared we would have a repeating episode of the last one. The doctor confirmed this pregnancy also. When the time came to see the baby in the first ultrasound visit, we had the privilege of seeing our little one begin to develop in Amy’s womb. We were awestruck, wonderstruck, and lost for words that this was actually happening.  

The months went by, and Amy’s tummy grew. We ran a 5K and then revealed the gender of the baby. It was a boy! It took us months to decide on a name. I mentioned the name, Zion. I thought the name showed strength, and it has been used interchangeably with Jerusalem – God’s dwelling place. Eventually, Amy came up with the name Eben (which is short for Ebenezer). We decided not to tell anybody until the day the baby was born. By the grace of God, we were able to purchase our first home in November 2019. We hoped to have our own home for the baby. Zion’s due date was March 5, 2020. When the date arrived, he was not ready. We had to wait another week with anticipation. Through all the hard work and labor Amy endured, Zion was finally born on March 13, 2020. The day had finally come when we got to meet our little boy. He was so precious that we could not take our eyes off him. We still can’t take our eyes off him. 

March 13 was a significant day for Zion’s birth because a year prior, Amy had suffered a miscarriage.  It was a difficult moment to endure, but when Zion was born, it reminded us of God’s grace. Now, we see Zion every day, and he has captivated our heart. It’s amazing to see how much he has grown in a year. He has developed his own attitude, likes, and dislikes. There is so much of him that fills my heart with joy. We may never know who our first little one could have been, but we hope that we will one day meet him or her. Zion’s life is God’s gift and promise to us. He is a constant reminder that the Lord is faithful. Because of Zion, our mourning was turned into Joy. 

Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.

Psalm 30:5b

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